SpECTRE  v2024.05.11
Running CCE

Table of Contents

The basic instructions for getting up and running with a stand-alone CCE using external data are:

  • Clone spectre and build the CharacteristicExtract target
  • At this point (provided the build succeeds) you should have the executable bin/CharacteristicExtract in the build directory; You can now run it using an input file to provide options. The input file tests/InputFiles/Cce/CharacteristicExtract.yaml from the spectre source tree can help you get started with writing your input file. There are a few important notes there:
    • For resolution, the example input file has lmax (Cce.LMax) of 20, and filter lmax (Filtering.FilterLMax) of 18; that may run a bit slow for basic tests, but this value yields the best precision-to-run-time ratio for a typical BBH system. Note that precision doesn't improve above lmax 24, filter 22 (be sure to update the filter as you update lmax – it should generally be around 2 lower than the maximum l to reduce possible aliasing).
    • If you want to just run through the end of the provided worldtube data, you can just omit the EndTime option and the executable will figure it out from the worldtube file.
    • The ScriOutputDensity adds extra interpolation points to the output, which is useful for finite-difference derivatives on the output data, but otherwise it'll just unnecessarily inflate the output files, so if you don't need the extra points, best just set it to 1.
    • If you're extracting at 100M or less (which isn't currently recommended due to the junk radiation being much worse), best to keep the TargetStepSize as .5 for 100M and perhaps even lower yet for nearer extraction.
    • The InitializeJ in the example file uses ConformalFactor which has been found to perform better than the other schemes implemented so far. Other schemes for InitializeJ can be found in namespace Cce::InitializeJ. Some of these are:
      • ZeroNonSmooth: Make J vanish
      • NoIncomingRadiation: Make \(\Psi_0 = 0\); this does not actually lead to no incoming radiation, since \(\Psi_0\) and \(\Psi_4\) both include incoming and outgoing radiation.
      • InverseCubic: Ansatz where \(J = A/r + B/r^3\)
      • ConformalFactor: Try to make initial time coordinate as inertial as possible at \(\mathscr{I}^+\).
  • An example of an appropriate submission command for slurm systems is:
    srun -n 1 -c 1 path/to/build/bin/CharacteristicExtract ++ppn 3 \
    --input-file path/to/input.yaml
    CCE doesn't currently scale to more than 4 cores, so those slurm options are best.
  • CCE will work faster if the input worldtube hdf5 file is chunked in small numbers of complete rows. This is relevant because by default, SpEC writes its worldtube files chunked along full time-series columns, which is efficient for compression, but not for reading in to SpECTRE – in that case, it is recommended to rechunk the input file before running CCE for maximum performance. This can be done, for instance, using h5py (you will need to fill in filenames appropriate to your case in place of "BondiCceR0050.h5" and "RechunkBondiCceR0050.h5"):
    import h5py
    input_file = "BondiCceR0050.h5"
    output_file = "RechunkBondiCceR0050.h5"
    with h5py.File(input_file,'r') as input_h5,\
    h5py.File(output_file, 'w') as output_h5:
    for dset in input_h5:
    if("Version" in dset):
    output_h5[dset] = input_h5[dset][()]
    number_of_columns = input_h5[dset][()].shape[1]
    output_h5.create_dataset(dset, data=input_h5[dset],
    maxshape=(None, number_of_columns),
    chunks=(4, number_of_columns), dtype='d')
    for attribute in input_h5[dset].attrs.keys():
    output_h5[dset].attrs[attribute] = input_h5[dset].attrs[attribute]
  • Note, these *.h5 files required as an input_file (and also needed in the .yaml file) will need to be obtained from an SXS member who has completed a relevant SpEC run.
  • The output data will be written as spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes, one physical quantity per dataset, and each row will have the time value followed by the real and imaginary parts of the complex modes in m-varies-fastest order.

Once you have the reduction data output file from a successful CCE run, you can confirm the integrity of the h5 file and its contents by running

h5ls -r CharacteristicExtractReduction.h5

For the reduction file produced by a successful run, the output of the h5ls should resemble

/SpectreR0100.cce Group
/SpectreR0100.cce/EthInertialRetardedTime Dataset {26451/Inf, 163}
/SpectreR0100.cce/News Dataset {26451/Inf, 163}
/SpectreR0100.cce/Psi0 Dataset {26451/Inf, 163}
/SpectreR0100.cce/Psi1 Dataset {26451/Inf, 163}
/SpectreR0100.cce/Psi2 Dataset {26451/Inf, 163}
/SpectreR0100.cce/Psi3 Dataset {26451/Inf, 163}
/SpectreR0100.cce/Psi4 Dataset {26451/Inf, 163}
/SpectreR0100.cce/Strain Dataset {26451/Inf, 163}
/src.tar.gz Dataset {7757329}
Prior to this Pull Request, the output of h5ls looked like this
/ Group
/Cce Group
/Cce/EthInertialRetardedTime.dat Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
/Cce/News.dat Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
/Cce/Psi0.dat Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
/Cce/Psi1.dat Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
/Cce/Psi2.dat Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
/Cce/Psi3.dat Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
/Cce/Psi4.dat Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
/Cce/Strain.dat Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
/src.tar.gz Dataset {3750199}

The Strain represents the asymptotic transverse-traceless contribution to the metric scaled by the Bondi radius (to give the asymptotically leading part), the News represents the first derivative of the strain, and each of the Psi... datasets represent the Weyl scalars, each scaled by the appropriate factor of the Bondi-Sachs radius to retrieve the asymptotically leading contribution.

The EthInertialRetardedTime is a diagnostic dataset that represents the angular derivative of the inertial retarded time, which determines the coordinate transformation that is performed at scri+.

The following python script will load data from a successful CCE run and construct a plot of all of the physical waveform data.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import h5py as h5
def spectre_real_mode_index(l, m):
return 2 * (l**2 + l + m) + 1
def spectre_imag_mode_index(l, m):
return 2 * (l**2 + l + m) + 2
def get_modes_from_block_output(filename, dataset, modes=[[2, 2], [3, 3]]):
with h5.File(filename, "r") as h5_file:
timeseries_data = (h5_file[dataset][()][:, [0] + list(
spectre_real_mode_index(x[0], x[1]),
spectre_imag_mode_index(x[0], x[1])
] for x in modes]).flatten())])
return timeseries_data
plot_quantities = ["Strain", "News", "Psi0", "Psi1", "Psi2", "Psi3", "Psi4"]
mode_set = [[2, 2], [3, 3]]
filename = "CharacteristicExtractReduction.h5"
output_plot_filename = "CCE_plot.pdf"
legend = []
for (mode_l, mode_m) in mode_set:
legend = np.append(legend, [
r"Re $Y_{" + str(mode_l) + r"\," + str(mode_m) + r"}$",
r"Im $Y_{" + str(mode_l) + r"\," + str(mode_m) + r"}$"
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 1.9 * len(plot_quantities)))
for i in range(len(plot_quantities)):
ax = plt.subplot(len(plot_quantities), 1, i + 1)
timeseries = np.transpose(
filename, f"/SpectreR0100.cce/{plot_quantities[i]}", mode_set
for j in range(len(mode_set)):
plt.plot(timeseries[0], timeseries[j + 1], linestyle='--', marker='')
ax.set_xlabel("Simulation time (M)")
ax.set_ylabel("Mode coefficient")
plt.savefig(output_plot_filename, dpi=400)

Input data formats

The worldtube data must be constructed as spheres of constant coordinate radius, and (for the time being) written to a filename of the format ...CceRXXXX.h5, where the XXXX is to be replaced by the integer for which the extraction radius is equal to XXXXM. For instance, a 100M extraction should have filename ...CceR0100.h5. This scheme of labeling files with the extraction radius is constructed for compatibility with SpEC worldtube data.

There are two possible formats of the input data, one based on the Cauchy metric at finite radius, and one based on Bondi data. The metric data format must be provided as spherical harmonic modes with the following datasets:

  • gxx.dat, gxy.dat, gxz.dat, gyy.dat, gyz.dat, gzz.dat
  • Drgxx.dat, Drgxy.dat, Drgxz.dat, Drgyy.dat, Drgyz.dat, Drgzz.dat
  • Dtgxx.dat, Dtgxy.dat, Dtgxz.dat, Dtgyy.dat, Dtgyz.dat, Dtgzz.dat
  • Shiftx.dat, Shifty.dat, Shiftz.dat
  • DrShiftx.dat, DrShifty.dat, DrShiftz.dat
  • DtShiftx.dat, DtShifty.dat, DtShiftz.dat
  • Lapse.dat
  • DrLapse.dat
  • DtLapse.dat

In this format, each row must start with the time stamp, and the remaining values are the complex modes in m-varies-fastest format. That is,

"time", "Lapse_Re(0,0)", "Lapse_Im(0,0)",
"Lapse_Re(1,1)", "Lapse_Im(1,1)", "Lapse_Re(1,0)", "Lapse_Im(1,0)",
"Lapse_Re(1,-1)", "Lapse_Im(1,-1)",
"Lapse_Re(2,2)", "Lapse_Im(2,2)", "Lapse_Re(2,1)", "Lapse_Im(2,1)",
"Lapse_Re(2,0)", "Lapse_Im(2,0)", "Lapse_Re(2,-1)", "Lapse_Im(2,-1)",
"Lapse_Re(2,-2)", "Lapse_Im(2,-2)"

Each dataset in the file must also have an attribute named "Legend" which is an ASCII-encoded null-terminated variable-length string. That is, the HDF5 type is:


This can be checked for a dataset by running

h5dump -a DrLapse.dat/Legend CceR0150.h5

The second format is Bondi-Sachs metric component data. This format is far more space-efficient (by around a factor of 4), and SpECTRE provides a separate executable for converting to the Bondi-Sachs worldtube format, ReduceCceWorldtube. The ReduceCceWorldtube executable should be run on a Cauchy metric worldtube file, and will produce a corresponding 'reduced' Bondi-Sachs worldtube file. The basic command-line arguments for the executable are:

ReduceCceWorldtube --input-file CceR0050.h5 --output-file BondiCceR0050.h5\
--lmax_factor 3

The argument --lmax_factor determines the factor by which the resolution at which the boundary computation that is run will exceed the resolution of the input and output files. Empirically, we have found that lmax_factor of 3 is sufficient to achieve roundoff precision in all boundary data we have attempted, and an lmax_factor of 2 is usually sufficient to vastly exceed the precision of the simulation that provided the boundary dataset.

The format is similar to the metric components, except in spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes, and the real (spin-weight-0) quantities omit the redundant negative-m modes and imaginary parts of m=0 modes. The quantities that must be provided by the Bondi-Sachs metric data format are:

  • Beta.dat
  • DrJ.dat
  • DuR.dat
  • H.dat
  • J.dat
  • Q.dat
  • R.dat
  • U.dat
  • W.dat

The Bondi-Sachs data may also be used directly for CCE input data. To specify that the input type is in 'reduced' Bondi-Sachs form, use:

H5IsBondiData: True

Otherwise, for the Cauchy metric data format, use:

H5IsBondiData: False